HE'S INNOCENT! HE'S INNOCENT! HE'S INNOCENT!  Let those words resonance throughout the world.  Yes, Dr. Malachi Kobina York, the Master Teacher, is innocent of the trumped up charges levied against him. However, he is guilty of the following:  He guilty of dedicating his life to the uplifting the Negroid Race since around 1967.  In those fifty-four years, he has authored over  430 books in every subject.  Some are the books are The Stargate, Nuwaupians Ontologist of Time, The Cycles, Existence: How and Why, The Procession Change 2012 A.D., The Lost Record of Time, Emotional Energy, Feeding The Forces, Birth of Religion, Let Set the Record Straight, and many, many more. 

He's guilty of reawakening the god in us; teaching us that we were the Original Egyptians of the walls of Egypt.  The hieroglyphics telling the story of how we constructed pyramids, performed laser surgery, created mathematics, and science.  Also, practiced the science of healing and sex.  We were the original race that set the examples for all other races.  We were the gods and deities such as Imhotep, Zoser, and Horus.

He's guilty of washing our brain clean of the filth taught to us by our mis-education.  He guilty of taking young  brothers who had been mentally dead and making them men by teaching them how to be responsible, Husbands and fathers; teaching them not to depend on this system to give them a job but create from their own gods minds how tho take care of their families legally. 

He's guilty of teaching our sisters to be real women by not being a sex object for men and to set examples for their daughters; showing them how to attract a man with their minds rather than their bodies.  He's guilty of teaching both males and females to be clean both inside and out; teaching them your body is a temple that sure be cleaned physically and your mind cleaned of impure thoughts. 

He's guilty of setting examples of how to live for, by and of each other.  He's guilty of teaching us not to abuse anyone and not allow anyone to abuse us.  He's guilty of teaching us to respect ourselves and all others as long as they respect us.  He's guilty of telling us not to be the aggressor , but remove ourselves from harm if possible.  He's guilty of telling us to defend ourselves and family from harm. He's guilty of telling us not to violate the laws of this country. 

He's guilty of telling all races that they are welcome to join our organization.  He's guilty of advocating peace and justice for all.  He's guilty of patience with his people as we learn to recognize who and what we are.  He's guilty of forgiveness and compassion such as in the case Habiba Washington being one of the witnesses who lied against him. He instructed his member not to hate her. He's guilty of still while incarnated making sure we still receive information and book's. 

He's guilty of divine love, unselfishness, and devotion to the salvation of the Human Race.  He's guilty of reestablishing our culture, our language, and our way of life.Yes, He guilty of the above charges.  He been trialed in the court of our souls and  has been sentenced to our devotion to him. Also, he's been sentenced to us never resting until he has been returned to us. He been sentenced to us putting pen to paper, feet to pavement, fingertips to computer, and mouth to hears to secure his freedom.


Nesert Ptah Ankh

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