Nuwaupu Is Not A Fake Religion

If you have heard of the great author Dr. Malachi Kobina York, aka Dr. Malachi Z York, then you have heard of Nuwaupu, more correctly called Wu-Nuwaup or Nuwaup.  This is the spiritual science dating back to times before the Mesopotamian religions of the fictitious character called Abraham or Abram.  The three major religions in the world of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, better called Jesusism, Muhammadism,  and Mosesism respectively, are all based on this character called Abraham who was allegedly from Chaldea.

These Mesopotamian religions are based on faith.  This is defined in the Bible in the Epistle to the Hebrews in the eleventh chapter, the first verse.  It says:

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

This means that faith is not based on confirmation.  Faith means to accept things that have not been proven to you.  This is contrary to Wu-Nuwaup and those who practice this science called Nuwaupu or Nuwaupians.  What we practice is fate.  This is independent of any belief system.  It is based on a universal law that states for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

This principal has been expressed in many different ways.  Some say what goes up must come down.  Some say you reap what you have sown.  Some say what goes around, comes back around.  These are things you have probably heard your Grandmother say in her wisdom she acquired through age and experience.  They have nothing to do with religious doctrine.  This is why bad things happen to good people.

With fate, you are in control of your own destiny.  Your destiny is your destination.  Your destiny or destination is determined by the choices you make.  Things or people that control your decisions control your destiny.  Religious people put their destiny in the hands of an unseen, unconfirmed, fictitious character that has been established so that you feed your spiritual energy and your physical energy into forces that need you in order to subsist, spiritually and physically.  It’s like the Wizard of Oz but more demonic and diabolical.

They have convinced you that you are Dorothy and must follow this yellow brick road to see the wizard (God).  You spend your whole life on this path.  Just like the Wizard of Oz, the so-called mystical power this God possesses is really man-made.  The god you worship in your scriptures that is man-made.  God was created in the hearts and minds of its authors.  As the authors became authentic, their documents became authentic.  Within the pages of their documents called scriptures, God was born.

Man was not created in the image and likeness of God.  God was created in the image and likeness of man.  This is why you have so many human attributes for God.  Islam has 99 attributes which can all be attributed to man in some way shape or form.  This is why God has character flaws like anger and jealousy.  Why would a being who knows what was, is and will be, get angry or jealous over a thing in which He created?  Makes no since at all.

This is what Wu- Nuwaup and Nuwaup is here to dispel.  This is the responsibility that Nuwaupu or Nuwaupians take on, to clean up the mess made by the West and the non-submitting fools.  We are here to drive people back to their ancestors who came from beyond the stars.  Re-link now or your fate will lead you into the hands of blood thirsty, flesh eating beings!!! 

HE'S INNOCENT! HE'S INNOCENT! HE'S INNOCENT!  Let those words resonance throughout the world.  Yes, Dr. Malachi Kobina York, the Master Teacher, is innocent of the trumped up charges levied against him. However, he is guilty of the following:  He guilty of dedicating his life to the uplifting the Negroid Race since around 1967.  In those fifty-four years, he has authored over  430 books in every subject.  Some are the books are The Stargate, Nuwaupians Ontologist of Time, The Cycles, Existence: How and Why, The Procession Change 2012 A.D., The Lost Record of Time, Emotional Energy, Feeding The Forces, Birth of Religion, Let Set the Record Straight, and many, many more. 

He's guilty of reawakening the god in us; teaching us that we were the Original Egyptians of the walls of Egypt.  The hieroglyphics telling the story of how we constructed pyramids, performed laser surgery, created mathematics, and science.  Also, practiced the science of healing and sex.  We were the original race that set the examples for all other races.  We were the gods and deities such as Imhotep, Zoser, and Horus.

He's guilty of washing our brain clean of the filth taught to us by our mis-education.  He guilty of taking young  brothers who had been mentally dead and making them men by teaching them how to be responsible, Husbands and fathers; teaching them not to depend on this system to give them a job but create from their own gods minds how tho take care of their families legally. 

He's guilty of teaching our sisters to be real women by not being a sex object for men and to set examples for their daughters; showing them how to attract a man with their minds rather than their bodies.  He's guilty of teaching both males and females to be clean both inside and out; teaching them your body is a temple that sure be cleaned physically and your mind cleaned of impure thoughts. 

He's guilty of setting examples of how to live for, by and of each other.  He's guilty of teaching us not to abuse anyone and not allow anyone to abuse us.  He's guilty of teaching us to respect ourselves and all others as long as they respect us.  He's guilty of telling us not to be the aggressor , but remove ourselves from harm if possible.  He's guilty of telling us to defend ourselves and family from harm. He's guilty of telling us not to violate the laws of this country. 

He's guilty of telling all races that they are welcome to join our organization.  He's guilty of advocating peace and justice for all.  He's guilty of patience with his people as we learn to recognize who and what we are.  He's guilty of forgiveness and compassion such as in the case Habiba Washington being one of the witnesses who lied against him. He instructed his member not to hate her. He's guilty of still while incarnated making sure we still receive information and book's. 

He's guilty of divine love, unselfishness, and devotion to the salvation of the Human Race.  He's guilty of reestablishing our culture, our language, and our way of life.Yes, He guilty of the above charges.  He been trialed in the court of our souls and  has been sentenced to our devotion to him. Also, he's been sentenced to us never resting until he has been returned to us. He been sentenced to us putting pen to paper, feet to pavement, fingertips to computer, and mouth to hears to secure his freedom.


Nesert Ptah Ankh
In part 1, we touch on how Paul, the 13th self-appointed apostle of Jesus lied.  Let's continue...

I am sure that many people will read this article retort that matters such as these are quite trivial. However, I say to the reader that these points made by those who are more analytical than you are well founded for these two reasons. First, we are talking about the contents of the HOLY BIBLE on which the fate of every Christian soul rests.

If there are things in the Bible that contradict each other, that means at least one thing in the Bible is wrong. Here, holy means pure, not adulterated, and true. If at anytime we find something wrong in the Bible, it is our duty to investigate immediately and find out what the real truth is.

Second, let's say someone comes to you and gives you their account of an event that happened and swore it to be the God-honest truth. Later, you hear them tell the same story and each time they left out something, added something, or changed the story around all together, would you believe that person? You probably would not, especially if it was a far-fetched story from the beginning.

You would probably think they were just making it up as they went along. For the record, the last time Paul gave the account was in Acts Chapter 26 and he was telling it this time to King Agrippa and he was defending himself from the Jews. With this in mind, it would be a time like no other to tell one heck of a story.

If it is so that Paul made this whole ting up to get a following, the next quote would make perfectly good sense for Paul to have made. In Romans3:7 Paul states and I quote, "For if the truth of God hath more abounded THROUGH MY LIE unto his glory; then why yet am I also judged as a sinner?" So Paul is making it clear that he thinks it's okay to lie to get followers, which would also explain why he made the quote in 1 Corinthians 9:20-23.

In these verses we can see that Paul clearly says whatever he has to say to get people to follow him whether it's a lie or not. Paul explains that that he would become a Jew to the Jews, one without law to those without law, and one who was weak to those who are weak to simply get followers. It seems from his ability to appeal to everybody he would have been an excellent POLITICIAN. In John 8:44, Jesus makes it clear how he feels about liars.

I think it is important to note in verse 14 Chapter 26 of Acts, Paul admits that in his "calling" he was called Saul by Jesus. Why would Paul after being called Saul, a Hebrew name by Jesus, continue to use the name Paul, which is a Greek name. Paul even takes it a step further and starts to call himself an apostle in Romans 1:1, 1 Timothy 2:7, and 2 Timothy 1:11. In none of Paul's accounts of his calling to ministry does he mention he was called an apostle by Jesus.

True to form, Paul switches that ideology at his convenience in 1 Corinthians 15:9 that he is not meet (that is, it is not right) for him to be called  an apostle because he persecuted the church of God. It seems that maybe Paul was talking to people at the time who didn't buy his story of apostleship and he once again had to tell them what they would accept to gain them as followers. REMEMBER 1 Corinthians 9:20-23.

Due to the length of the subject matter, I will continue this discussion as, "Was St. Paul a Disciple or a Deceiver? Part 2. If you have any question, comments, or curse words for me, I can be reached at [email protected].

You can also get more information by visiting the website

Paa Taraq: Chapter 46: “The Accused” , Verses 65-67.

“65. Some even have mixed seeds from their mother’s mother’s mother and their
         father’s father’s father and all who they mixed their DNA with. Even the cursed
         seeds of devils speak to your thoughts and govern your actions.
 66. Many evil actions, weaknesses, addictions that you let control your actions.
 67.  The strongest of all pleasures from sexual to lustful to perversions. Like a disease,
         they can overpower you.”        

         When we examine the Nubian or Black community; as compared to other communities, a series of observations begins to manifest to the questioning mind. First of all: Why are there so many liquor stores in the Nubian communities? Why is there a church just about on every corner, yet the general population of  Nubians are far from being truly “religious” or having true spirituality? Why is it that there are so many drug dealers in the Nubian community and the police know who they are, yet they refuse to do anything about this situation? Why are there so many street gangs in the Nubian community, constantly killing each other in gang wars, yet the police claim to be “helpless” in solving this problem? The answer to all of these questions can be put under the umbrella of one acronym: MKULTRA! If there are any doubters or skeptics to what we are revealing here, we humbly ask you; respected readers, to put this acronym: “MKULTRA” into your search engine on your computer , and watch and see what you come up with! You will be telling us about the United States Government’s covert activities on the Nubian community. We prefer to use the word “Nubian” to describe people of African descent in America because this describes a place of origin in Africa. At one time, the whole continent of Africa was called “Nubia”

“Once the ancient kingdom of Kush, Nubia is the stretch of land next to the Nile from Aswan down to Khartoum in the south. Nubians are depicted in many tomb paintings and reliefs- usually as mercenaries or traders. Nubians still have distinct traditions, architecture and languages, even though many migrated either to Aswan and Kom Ombo or south to Sudan after Lake Nasser swamped much of their traditional homeland.”  Excerpts from “NUBIA”

         To make a long story short, the United States government had archeologists compare the DNA from the Egyptian mummies to the DNA of African-Americans and they made an astonishing discovery, the DNA matched! Which means we are genetically linked to the Nubians and the Ancient Egyptians, as the original inhabitants of ancient Egypt were the Nubians from what is now the Sudan!  Now, what does this have to do with MKULTRA?  Once the leadership of America discovered that we came from a very advanced African civilization, they did everything in their power to disconnect us from our past and ancient African culture, thus was born, MKULTRA – mind control techniques. To take a direct quote: "The Mystery Religions of ancient Egypt, Greece, India and Babylon helped lay the foundation for occultism, meaning "hidden knowledge." One of the earliest writings giving reference to occultism is the Egyptian Book of the Dead, a compilation of rituals explicitly describing methods of torture and intimidation (to create trauma), the use of potions (drugs) and the casting of spells (hypnotism), ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the initiate. [1] These have been the main ingredients for a part of occultism known as Satanism, throughout the ages."
         Once the leadership of America (Political, Legal, Academic, Spiritual, Economic) found out who we really are as Nubians, they used every means and technique to keep us suppressed and in a servitude slave state. The “Willy Lynch” Syndrome was only used to perpetuate the slave mentality into the 21st century: Nubians engaged in self-hate, which brought about disunity. The light-skinned one given favors and positions over the darker skinned Nubian, The saturation of the Nubian communities with alcohol, drugs, guns to kill each other, etc. With the advent of the laptop computer, cell phones, camcorders, video games, and electronic tablets, there was a need for the leadership of America to come up with a more sophisticated means to restrain or dominate the Nubian masses; thus, we have MKULTRA – Mind Control! This was done using subversive psychological, social, medical, and illegal means to keep Nubians from developing a free mind to think along the ways of their Nubian ancestors.

         One such tactic; as seen on television is the “Bait Car.” The local police stage events to put an “abandoned” car in the Nubian community, where there are a lot of young Nubian men on the street: unemployed, poor, and have nothing to do. The young man sees this car with the door open, keys in the ignition, and no one around, so they think!

He gets in the car, checks to see if anyone is looking, drives the car away and the police electronically shut the ignition off, stopping the car and arresting the young Nubian man for car theft! Now the question should be asked: Why are the Police CREATING the environment for crime instead of solving crimes? The answer is simple; when the young Nubian male is arrested and convicted for car theft, he now becomes a FELON which brands him as a criminal for the rest of his life. This means that he can not get a decent job ; because of this FELONY, which means that he con not compete with the other Caucasoid ethnic groups on a even footing. This also takes him out of the job market and into the prison system, keeping a ready supply of inmates for the new prisons being built. This is just one tactic used to undermine future generations from establishing themselves on an economic level. The next section will go into the establishment of MKULTRA-Mind Control techniques into the Nubian community.
Dr. Malachi Z York teaches the TRUTH.  Was Christ really crucified?  Where are the skeletal bones stating that Abraham, Noah, Adam, Cain, Abel, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Job and Jesus really existed.  Where are the remnants of Noah's ark?  Where is the supposed cross that Jesus was so called crucified on?  Where is the proof?  There are certainly records of other men being crucified: Ezra-Israelites, David-Israelites, Iva-Nepal, Mithra-Persia, Criti-Chaldea, Baili-Orissa, Hesus-The Druids, Sakia-India, Emmanuel-Israelites, Krishna-India, Indra-Tibet, Tammuz-Babylonia, Attis-Phrygia, Thules-Egypt, Odin-Scandinavia, Quetzacoatl-Mexico and more. 

Centuries before the confusion of Christianity, the city of Nicaea was laid out in the form of a cross and centuries after, the cross was used by the Aztec.  Ancient Egipt used a symbol known as the ankh.  People in other lands "borrow" from other ancient cultures, change the names around, distort various aspects to suit themselves and other people accept that as truth. 

Everything comes from Africa.  Ancient Egipt was the cradle of high civilization. High society if you will.Back to the point.  IF he died on the cross for the world to be saved, why is there still sin today?  Was not the personified Son of God enough to cleanse the whole world of sin? 

Why did he have to send his beloved son to die for the of the world?  Couldn't he just come himself, or wave his hand and make it all well.  He said his spirit was willing but his flesh was weak, and what did God do?  His only begotten son, according to your belief, he let him die by cruci-fiction.  So that's how God showed his love.  Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.  And we're supposed to teach our children this and perpetuate the greatest "story" (lie) ever told?  NOT!

Khaba Amun Shetep RE

Here is another example of the works and intentions of the master teacher, Dr.Malachi Kobina York.  Some people hate, some don't overstand.  His works speak volumes of his character.  The Caucasoid race is in fact the coloured race because of the disease of leprosy found in the book of Leviticus chapter 13, Quraan chapter 20, verse 102, Genesis 9:25.  They TOOK Negroids from their homeland in Africa from various tribes.  Over time they programmed you to worship their image of God as them (see the usual Jesus picture).  A concentrated effort was made to portray European standards of beauty.  In time you accepted THEIR way of life, religions, you lose your soul because of them.  Their recessive genes (research that) obviously lead to irrational thoughts as well as actions. 

Don't try to deny it. If somethings wrong with the mind, the body will follow.  Only a sick race would promote unhealthy foods, cigarettes, harsh alcohol consumption, sexual promiscuity and more.  Some would say it doesn't matter what corporations sell or promote, you have choices as individuals. True, that doesn't mean the facts don't exist that billion dollar business led by you know who aren't perpetrating massive detrimental harm to a society that could be better off without the temptations they put out there.  Are most of the problems solved by continuing to market so much of what is hurting society?  Only a devil would want to maintain the so called status qou.  Paa Taraq, authored by Dr. Malachi York is the way to heal a sick people.  Read for your self.  You may not necessarily accept the facts, one thing for sure you will never disprove them.  Prison or not  (Dr. York is innocent), Dr. Malachi Kobina York is THE MASTER TEACHER and our savior.  Nature will show the entire WORLD that.
            The Age of Dr. York precedes the Informational Age, which brings the Industrial Age to an end.  Dr. Malachi York is an intellectual who continues to reveal what America truly is.  He has recovered not only the story of America, but the story of the whole world as he stands as the only true reformer of this day and time.  He confronts the denial of racism, made the invisible deity visible, and holds the world accountable for its immoral treatment of humanity.  Even in his current condition he is unveiling the fact that there is a need for equality and social justice.

            Moreover, Dr. York has made the earth a university.  As the 33˚ Freemason, Manly P. Hall, explained “The very earth itself is to be the campus; nations and States, the classrooms; humanity, the student body; those dedicated to essential progress, the teacher; and the eternal sciences and arts revealed by God through nature, the curriculum…”  Dr. York has guided many through the romanticized tenets of religion and history, which deny the unwritten and written edicts in equality of the economical, social, and political environment.  Dr. York has placed “FEAR” in the hearts and minds of those who once felt or feel the African-American was/is incapable of an intellectual thought or taking care of one’s self.

            Therefore, one must not think an intellectual is only one who repeats words from a book in an artistic manner.  An intellection is much more.  A true intellectual knows the book word for word, but instead of just repeating these words, this person analyzes the words and questions its relevance.  Their questions force humanity to think outside of what has been adapted as the social norms.  This is the Age of Dr. York very presence has shaken the world’s reality, challenging the accepted intellectual and forcing the intellectual to rethink the thought.

Michael Berkley

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