In part 1, we touch on how Paul, the 13th self-appointed apostle of Jesus lied.  Let's continue...

I am sure that many people will read this article retort that matters such as these are quite trivial. However, I say to the reader that these points made by those who are more analytical than you are well founded for these two reasons. First, we are talking about the contents of the HOLY BIBLE on which the fate of every Christian soul rests.

If there are things in the Bible that contradict each other, that means at least one thing in the Bible is wrong. Here, holy means pure, not adulterated, and true. If at anytime we find something wrong in the Bible, it is our duty to investigate immediately and find out what the real truth is.

Second, let's say someone comes to you and gives you their account of an event that happened and swore it to be the God-honest truth. Later, you hear them tell the same story and each time they left out something, added something, or changed the story around all together, would you believe that person? You probably would not, especially if it was a far-fetched story from the beginning.

You would probably think they were just making it up as they went along. For the record, the last time Paul gave the account was in Acts Chapter 26 and he was telling it this time to King Agrippa and he was defending himself from the Jews. With this in mind, it would be a time like no other to tell one heck of a story.

If it is so that Paul made this whole ting up to get a following, the next quote would make perfectly good sense for Paul to have made. In Romans3:7 Paul states and I quote, "For if the truth of God hath more abounded THROUGH MY LIE unto his glory; then why yet am I also judged as a sinner?" So Paul is making it clear that he thinks it's okay to lie to get followers, which would also explain why he made the quote in 1 Corinthians 9:20-23.

In these verses we can see that Paul clearly says whatever he has to say to get people to follow him whether it's a lie or not. Paul explains that that he would become a Jew to the Jews, one without law to those without law, and one who was weak to those who are weak to simply get followers. It seems from his ability to appeal to everybody he would have been an excellent POLITICIAN. In John 8:44, Jesus makes it clear how he feels about liars.

I think it is important to note in verse 14 Chapter 26 of Acts, Paul admits that in his "calling" he was called Saul by Jesus. Why would Paul after being called Saul, a Hebrew name by Jesus, continue to use the name Paul, which is a Greek name. Paul even takes it a step further and starts to call himself an apostle in Romans 1:1, 1 Timothy 2:7, and 2 Timothy 1:11. In none of Paul's accounts of his calling to ministry does he mention he was called an apostle by Jesus.

True to form, Paul switches that ideology at his convenience in 1 Corinthians 15:9 that he is not meet (that is, it is not right) for him to be called  an apostle because he persecuted the church of God. It seems that maybe Paul was talking to people at the time who didn't buy his story of apostleship and he once again had to tell them what they would accept to gain them as followers. REMEMBER 1 Corinthians 9:20-23.

Due to the length of the subject matter, I will continue this discussion as, "Was St. Paul a Disciple or a Deceiver? Part 2. If you have any question, comments, or curse words for me, I can be reached at [email protected].

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12/30/2011 09:47:41 pm

THX for info

3/26/2012 05:43:16 am

Nice one info, thanks

4/7/2012 07:32:09 pm

paul won't be called saint if he is a deceiver

4/7/2012 07:34:34 pm

only god knows everything.

7/14/2012 12:40:00 am

Great info, thanks

8/14/2013 01:01:41 pm

I can take scriptures and make jesus and satan one and the same takes a teacher of the holy sprit to teach the real meaning of the word of god. You on the other hand know not the holy sprit. You have have a demonic sprit of confusement. You can not confuse the true beleiver. All you are trying to do is lead. People far from the truth by scripture jumpering. My prayre is for you tonight


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